lozasigti Admin replied

295 weeks ago

The Zombie Beach Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b Centuries ago, rather than have a full out war of the revelation, a deal was struck between the heroes of the good and the evil. The beach you visited was sanctioned to the evil. There, the undead could walk like living beings among us.
I am a zombie geek and love watching all zombie and horror genre.I catch this zombie flick at film festival in port townsend in one of the midnight screening and was amazed seeing this multicultural zombie film.Not to mention the music video titles zombie beach was really fun watching.Idea of music video is really cool specially when its zombie movie.All the characters were cool with detective and crazyman.I liked the girls but not much to see.I wish they were exposed more.At some point story was carried away but overall the scenes and story does makes sense and its left open which is again good film making.Makeup of few zombies could have been better.The effect of ghost was good one. Overall this zombie flick was really a different one i have seen over 100's of movies so far.I enjoyed watching it.
The plot rips along beautifully and parodies both the romantic comedy and zombie genres, while at the same time remaining true to them.Zombie Beach is quite a surprising and brilliant piece of work which I am sure will achieve the accolade of instant cult statusword of mouth snowballs this film to richly deserved recognition. The only problem with reviewing this film is that there are so many funny moments in it that it is hard to pick any to write about without spoiling the film. All I can say is that I cannot remember a film ever being this consistently funny with probably five or six serious laugh-out-loud moments. It was a joy to watch and my only disappointment is that I can never watch this film for the first time ever again - every viewing will forever be a repeat viewing.1st ever seen Multicultural Zombie film with a story which involves India.Not sure if India makes zombie movies though.I can see this film is nominated for red rose award in India at JIFF.I will rate this film 9.Cant wait to buy copy of DVD.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by lozasigti
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